Voice Talent Biography – Elizabeth Criman

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Beth Criman Voice Talent Voice Talent – Biography of Beth Criman!

I am the loudest person in the room. No surprise there. I’m the first to read aloud and no one ever has a problem hearing me.

My ability as a voice talent and to speak clear, crisp words makes me the first choice to read for others and my strong alto voice is soothing to hear. The room quiets when I speak.

My strong personality comes through in my words, and in the way I speak. English has always been my strong suit and I love words – all of them. They’re beautiful. The musical cadence of syllables and their emotional emphasis make each sentence a journey, and the speaker has the privilege of breathing life into every word, as if they would get up and walk around at any given moment.

Some words still the heart; others strap on their cowboy boots and strut away through the dust in a huff. Still other words wake up on a pillow of clouds and then float down to land, light and soft, to pirouette in their toe shoes and tutus.

Words bring life to our expressive natures. When I was a child, I had hearing issues and had to learn to enunciate everything. Once I could hear, I learned to read easily and read everything – often out loud. I sang, strengthening my vocal cords, running the range to my limits, end to end. I sang for the church, for school, for the community choir. Now, mostly, I just sing in the shower. Loud, as usual, but on key.

I have found something I love, and bless it all, I’m good at it. Voice over is like breathing – it just comes naturally. It fits me, like my favorite pair of jeans and a plain, white T.

It feels like the dandelion in its second bloom, when all the seeds are attached. We always called them wishers. We’d pick it up, hold it in the sunlight, and make a wish. Then we blew all the seeds off the wisher, like the candle flames on a birthday cake.

Only this time, I made a wish for something I could love doing – and here I am ready to be your voice talent.
